Blue Ridge, Georgia

The Sasquatch Museum

Bigfoot Sightings
Roadside Attraction

Expedition Bigfoot in North Georgia

Looking for evidence about existence of BigFoot? Well, you just might find it at Expedition Bigfoot in North Georgia.

Sasquatch Museum

Expedition Bigfoot has one of the biggest collections about BigFoot that you won’t find anywhere else. These include Bigfoot sightings from North America (including Georgia & Florida) and from around the world. You can listen to audio recordings; see BigFoot footprint castings, numerous pictures as well as videos.

During your visit, you’ll be able to see that every effort is made to cover the latest sightings and news on this ever elusive creature. Even if you believe it’s all a big hoax, you’ll most likely leave not knowing for sure if is Bigfoot is real or not.

Yeti Size

The Bigfoot museum is not huge, but it is packed with informational materials and life-size exhibits that will entertain you for a good while.

This is one of those roadside attractions that is very well presented. It’s a fun daytrip for the whole family.

Some Indepth Things About BigFoot

Big Foot has been described as a 6 to 9 foot bipedal, humanoid creature with no tail, covered with dense short fur the color of which varies from black to reddish brown.

Witnesses describe him having a head that resembles a gorilla, with a low forehead and large eyes. Many believe that Bigfoot is a nocturnal creature (most often seen in the night).

It emits a strong, unpleasant odor. It is probably omnivorous. It lives in a very sparsely populated mountain forests, and many sightings happened around 1958 in the mountains of northern California.

Information about the existence of a large apelike creatures also come from South America and Asia (Yeti), but it is assumed that it is a different species. The most compelling evidence for the existence of such beast is a photo allegedly showing great bezogoniastą monkey, similar to pithecanthrope that was shot in Venezuela in 1920 by François de Loys.

Abominable Snowman

The authenticity of the image is however questionable and highly skeptical. Some Cryptozoologists (including that of Ivan T. Sanderson and Loren Coleman), found that the photgraph shows, in fact, a spider monkey (upozowanego) and positioned in a way that the tail is hidden. The de Loys' Ape (Ameranthropoides loysi), was supposedly roaming the South American jungle but similar creatures have not been encountered since.

More Info:

Expedition Bigfoot (706) 946-2601 Link